About us

Culture Consortium Leeds is a network of cultural organisations. Our purpose is to increase collaboration and resilience and be a cohesive voice for the cultural sector in the Leeds city region.

Our vision

All organisations in the consortium believe that culture has the power to change lives. We want a well-connected, collaborative, resilient sector that places culture at the heart of the Leeds city region and enables it to flourish.

Our key strands of work

  • Research & Intelligence
    Contribute to an evidence pool on the impact and value of culture
  • People Development & Diversity
    Encourage, develop and attract talent
  • Partnerships
    Encourage partnerships across the city and beyond, maximising the impact of culture
  • Telling Leeds’ Story
    Collectively celebrate the diversity and abundance of culture in our city region
  • Advocacy
    Be a cohesive voice for the cultural sector in our city region


  • Collaboration
  • Inclusion
  • Transparency


There is an elected Chair and Deputy Chair responsible for the management of the group’s activity.

The current Chair is Edward Appleyard, Chief Executive of Thackray Museum of Medicine and the Deputy Chair is Patsy Gilbert, Vice Principal at Leeds Conservatoire.


Culture Consortium Leeds meets monthly at a host venue on the third Thursday of the month.

To encourage openness and the sharing of information, the meetings operate under the Chatham House Rule, and material circulated for the consortium’s consideration should be considered confidential to the group and not for wider circulation.

To be considered quorate, at least seven members should be represented. Decisions or actions taken on behalf of the consortium must have the agreement of all members. In the event of disagreement, members may decline to be included amongst the consortium number or abstain without affecting their membership of the group.

There is also a marketing group where colleagues with audience focused roles meet regularly to share updates, for sector support and to progress any relevant actions from the main group.

Want to get involved?

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